No single value, skill or competence is sufficient.
For all round development to happen it is imperative that there be development of value skills and abilities. Some of them are :-
Character Building - This institution takes this task seriously and ensures that the ideal challenges towards strong character building and personality development is applied.
Academic advancement - The scope of the academic exposure enables each & every student to pursue their academic goals in a stress free atmosphere. A committed faculty is on hand to guide and assist the students.
Proficiency in Arts - All artistic endeavors, in all streams such as dance and drama, drawing and painting, music and singing etc. are encouraged and opportunities are provided to help the students so inclined to grow in confidence and stature.
Co-education - We are convinced that boys and girls studying together will help them to be confortable in the presence of each other and they develop a healthy understanding of each other which in turn leads to mutual respect and co-operation.
Physical exercise - We firstly believe that physical exercise brings mental peace & improves concentration so we encourage our wards for yoga, meditation & games activities.